Saturday, December 31, 2011

Farewell 2011! Welcome 2012!

Isn't the back of this leaf splendid? Graham and I went for a walk today through our neighborhood. His small hand gripped mine as we slowly made our way along the gravel sidewalk. He is still short enough that I have to round over in order to walk hand in hand. Meandering with a small child allows my eyes to see extraordinary beauty in an unseen landscape where cars whizz by and dogs happily tromp. If I look closely at this picture, I notice the cracks and weathering of the leaf, pelted by late night hail. This leaf is "out of season", an ode to Fall, past its peak. I draw a parallel that life's beauty is complete despite its perceived hardships. I appreciate the glory in this tiny Nature vignette:)

A loud hail storm woke me from my sleep last night. Or was it early morn? A dazzling intro to winter, the white crystals in small pockets on the ground.

Check this out! Have you ever seen cones "blooming"? I am in awe...

I feel this plant's growth and flowering exudes the essence of the New Year! While most plant life appears dormant this time of year, this close-up reveals the magnificence budding!

As I look within myself during this season of suspected dormancy, I am fueled by the simple brilliancy of nature, and reminded of the active growth taking place all around me, as well as within!

To You, I wish a year teeming with joy and abundant growth!




  1. Suzanne,
    Love, love, love your pics. And the pine cones budding...I have never seen that either. I love your blog. I stumbled and gave you a +1. Congrats on being a Featured Member of voiceBoks!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Congrats on vB featured member status! Gorgeous photos!!!

  3. You have a beautiful eye for taking picturesque photographs.

    amy @
